The Liberty Statue 🗽


                   The statue of liberty was buit 28 october 1886. The french gave the statue to the American people as a sing of friendship between french and America. Over the years, the monument has been recognized not only as the embodiment of friendship between the two nation (which moved far to the secondary plan) but also a symbol of freedom of the america people , the united states and a symbol of new york city as a whol. 

                   As well as the story of the statue of liberty and the island on which it stands is a story of change, the us lighthouse service was responsible for servicing the statue until 1901. After 1901 this mission was enterusted to the militory deportment. The ppresidential decree of october 15 , 1924 fort wood (and the statue on this terriotory) was declared a national monument.

     As well as the statue was built from thin sheets of copper minted in wooden forms. Formed sheets were them installed on a steel frame. 


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