My Favorite Singer


                                                                                                                                     My Favorite Singer is  Nadeemal Perera from sri lanka. He is    beloved son of Amal Perera. As well as dear grandson of Marvin Perera. No need to Introduce him now. Because many people know Nadeemal's singing ability.                                                                                        Nadeemal even got the oppartunity to sing background vocals on the silver screen. He has a magical voice. He is singer who sings to the hear of the audience of fans. He has inneed come far his with wide- ranging renditions of human emotions in his songs that have enthralled millions in sri lanka. He is very talented. As well as he is very young singer. Ho looks casual but smart. When he speak , he is polite.                                                                                      He sings a lot of songs. His own sogs are Adariye , Nura Wasanthe , Gabbara sokari , wali maluwe sokari , Dam wile sokari , Mayam Kalawe. The song title 'Mayam kalawe' by Nadeemal is my favorite. It is very beautiful song. 


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